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See you at day zero on the 14th & #XMASJKL on the 15th of Nov 2024!

Ilokivi, Keskussairaalantie 2, 40100 Jyväskylä

Code of Conduct

Peliosuuskunta Expa (Expa Game Business Co-operative)IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub is a co-operative game company that’s established an open community for everyone interested in game industry, game business and game development. Our goal is to advance the game industry in Jyväskylä and Central Finland. Providing a network for the active game developer scene, connecting individual game developers and game companies, as well as bring together game industry workers, talents, students, researchers, lecturers, entrepreneurs.

Our core values: Passion – Co-operation – Transparency

#XmasJKL – The Finnish Game Industry Business Seminar is annual event

Peliosuuskunta Expa is committed to keeping our community safe for everyone and has a zero-tolerance policy on harassment in any and all of its forms. The aim of this Code of Conduct is to make sure that the individuals attending our events and programs are aware and committed to fighting against sexual and other forms of harassment and are aware of Finnish laws and regulations concerning these matters. Every member of our community, no matter of professional experience, cultural or religious background, gender, sexual orientation, ability, appearance, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship, socioeconomic status (or lack thereof) deserves friendly, safe and welcoming environment to grow individually and professionally as part of Finnish gaming industry.


  1. Sexual harassment
  2. Repeated threats and bullying
  3. Intimidation and belittling
  4. Sexually charged comments
  5. Derogatory and mocking speech


SAFETY: Physical, mental and sexual safety and comfort is a basic right for everyone in the Finnish game industry community and it should be emphasized by all the individuals working in or in any way related to the games industry.

FIGHT HARASSMENT: Harassment, or tolerance of harassment of any kind, harms us and our industry, limits our craft and violates this Code and Finnish laws.

RESPONSIBILITY: Everyone has a responsibility to influence the safety of the Finnish games industry by following this Code of Conduct and intervening to stop any harassment that is witnessed or reported. Intervene or/and report if you witness something that violates this Code of Conduct.

POWER MEANS MORE RESPONSIBILITY: There is zero tolerance to the acts of abusing a work related position of social or professional power to conduct any of the harassment mentioned above is highly unethical and directly violates this Code of Conduct.

INFORM: If you experience harassment, inform the person conducting it that you do not accept their behavior. Inform the event organizer of the misbehavior immediately.


If you are subject to or witness unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please report this in one of the following ways:

  • Speaking to an on-site organizer or volunteer
  • Emailing the dedicated person appointed to reporting these matters from Peliosuuskunta Expa (tuomas.roininen [at]

IF NEEDED, ASK FOR HELP: You can also ask for help from representatives of NeogamesWe In Games FinlandIGDA Finland or occupational health and safety representatives. It is critical that any misbehavior and abuse is immediately reported in order to stop such behavior and prevent further harassment – protect the community!

TAKE NOTES: Be ready to explain the situation (what happened, when, where, who harassed you, were any other people present).

DEMAND RESPONSIBILITY: According to Finnish law, the event organizer is obligated to investigate every reported harassment case related to the event where incident happened.

ASK FOR PREVENTIVE MEASURES: Event organizers should actively monitor whether harassment at the workplace exists and take the initiative to intervene in a manner outlined in the company policy.


LISTEN: Listen to the person / manager explaining the situation to you.

APOLOGISE: Be ready to apologize.

BE THE SOLUTION: Discuss possible ways of resolving the situation. The accused can also discuss the situation with the aforementioned employer representatives.

READ THE CODE OF CONDUCT: Do not break the code of conduct.

We wish for all event participants and community members (event organizers, contributors; sponsors; and other guests) to abide by this Code of Conduct in all Peliosuuskunta Expa programs and events, at venues—online and in-person—as well as in all one-on-one or group communications pertaining to Peliosuuskunta Expa community and Finnish gaming industry.

Peliosuuskunta Expa is closely collaborating with the Finnish games industry organizations and acts in line with Finnish Games Industry Code of ConductIGDA Finland Code of Conduct and We In Games Finland Code of Conduct.